3P Theory

Building Internet of Things & IAQ Financing Strategies

Episode Summary

In this episode Serene Al-Momen with Senseware PhD, Michele Pitale, and Devesh Nirmul with CouterpointSRE speak about the emerging challenges brought about by COVID-19 and its impact on the design of the buildings, impacts on human health and air quality, and other outcomes. In this digital age, it is important for building owners, managers, and developers to be able to capture data, not for its own sake, but to be able to use that data to make informed decisions related to finish-outs and retaining tenants. GUESTS ON SOCIAL Serene: https://www.linkedin.com/in/serene-al-momen-phd-2915824/ Michele: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michele-pitale-35397413a/ Devesh: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deveshsustain/ About 3P Theory: Founded by Mike Brown in 2018. This is 3P Theory, the podcast for AEC professions seeking to elevate their knowledge on green building strategies and practical design collaboration for sustainable mindsets. Bringing you change-makers, innovators and sustainable leaders whose projects and careers have positively impacted the industry. If you're looking to get inspired, motivated, and fired up to take ACTION towards a greener planet you're in right place. Don't miss our bi-weekly episodes, hit subscribe: Website: 3ptheory.com Get to know Mike Brown LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mbrownjr/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mikecharlesjr Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mcharlesjr/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikeycharlesjr